
Monday, April 12, 2010

2010 Ultimate Blog party - 5 minutes for Mom

Ultimate Blog Party 2010


@Dayngr said...

Hi there. Greetings from Miami, FL. I'm stopping in this Monday to toss a little confetti, pull up a cozy virtual chair and party with you for a bit. Let's have some fun!

I've got my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post up at Dayngrous Discourse along with some giveaways and one of those posts that give you a little taste of what's it like to have some Dayngr in your life. I hope you'll surf on over, say hello and follow along if the mood strikes you.

Oh, one last thing - If you're the tweetin' kind, I'm @Dayngr on twitter.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

visiting here from UBP 2010. :)
have fun!

My UBP 2010 Party Post

Mrs4444 said...

Stopping by to blow my party horn :) Hello!

Already Happy said...

I stopped by from the party! I only clicked on 2 blogs, and this was one of them, and I have a Gemma too! How likely is that?

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Welcome to the party! Hope it's a great time for you and you get a chance to meet a lot of fabulous bloggers. Please stop by and say hi when you get the chance! :)

MaricrisG said...

Hi! Visiting via UBP10. Pleasure meeting you!

Unknown said...

Hope you are enjoying the party. Don't you just love when the kiddos shower you with love in the can't help but be happy!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Cook Clean Craft, and helping me find your blog. I love your peg animals - so cute. Hope you had a great party!

Mandy said...

Stopping back (late, as normally) from the UBP! So sorry it took so long! Thanks for visiting me - and all the way from south africa, no less. I hope you had a fantastic time blog hopping!